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“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.”

Tuning into your intuition during troubled times can be difficult. With so much noise, information, and clutter within the world, your thoughts can often be clouded with distractions. Adding to all that noise is your own self doubt, your ego and your brain that prevents you from trusting your intuition. Your brain and ego are powerful forces that can drown out your quiet inner voice-the voice that can tell you exactly what you need to know and to do, if you would only listen.

Today, begin to trust what you know, and be willing to trust it enough to act upon it. Trust that your assessment of the things in your life is accurate, that your feelings are valid, that your observations are not all in your head. Trust that you know what is true for you. And then, trust that you have enough courage to take action on what you know. In truth, YOU always know what you need and how to proceed next, but fear can creep in causing you to second guess yourself. Today begin to know that you can never make a wrong decision because you can always “right” your decision down the line. Know that whatever you are experiencing now is an opportunity that has presented itself to you, which means on some level you are ready for it..Trust in your truth. Have unwavering faith in yourself and know that your intuition always wants to guide and support you in every moment.

Just for today, I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to that small still voice inside of me. And when I do, I hear all the answers to all the questions I shall ever ask. I trust my intuition. It is always on my side. I am safe and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.