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We all have family patterns, and it is very easy for us to blame our parents, our childhood, or our environment for the present condition of our lives. If you grew up in a family where criticism was the norm, then you are going to be critical as an adult. If you grew up in a family where you were not allowed to express your anger, then you in all probability are terrified of anger and confrontation. If you were raised in a family where everybody was manipulated by guilt, then you probably use guilt in the same way as an adult. You probably run around saying “I’m sorry” all the time, and can never ask for anything outright.

As you grow up, you then begin to live with and incorporate those false ideas. As a result, you lose touch with your inner wisdom. Today, begin to realize that you can go beyond your family’s limitations. Begin to let go of the beliefs that continue to keep you stuck and in truth continually hurt you. By letting go of those old beliefs, you will free yourself from the needless cycle of pain, anger and recrimination that keeps you imprisoned in your own suffering and prevents you from creating positive relationships with yourself and others. Today, accept yourself as exactly as you are. Begin to examine your negative beliefs about yourself and recognize that they in truth are falsehoods given to you by others. The more you can practice self-acceptance, the easier it will be for you to drop habits and beliefs that no longer serve you. As you accept yourself, it will become easy for you to grow and change.

Just for today, I am willing to release old negative beliefs. They are only thoughts that stand in my way. My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling. I now go beyond other people's fears and limitations and create my own life. I am always safe, divinely guided and loved. And so it is.