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Remain calm...

"Our reaction to a situation literally has the power to change the situation itself."

It happens to the best of us. We find ourselves in a challenging, stressful situation and we get overcome—by an emotion, an impulse—and we act in a way that makes things worse. We over react. And, there’s actually a very simple, biological explanation for our reactions to perceived threat called the flight or fight response, which responds to any threat, whether it is real or not, in the same way-with racing pulse, thoughts and a physical need to escape. This response evolutionary kept us physically safe by helping us to run from danger. However, today because most of us do not face physical danger of harm to ourselves in our daily lives, that system which was intended to help us, actually causes us to over react to perceived threats and the result is that we "over react" to non life threatening situations.

The good news is that there are ways to overcome our hard wiring and you can choose how you respond even if your heart is pounding in your chest. Today, make sure that you are taking time to tune in before reacting or perhaps over reacting to others. Take some time to yourself and keep your thoughts heart focused. When you allow yourself to stop and get in touch with what you are really feeling, you can actually over ride your "flight or fight" responses and consciously choose to respond. Keep your thoughts and heart focused on the energy of love and you will find it so much easier to remain calm, respond with the appropriate amount of anger-you will over ride your fright and will not need to fly away. You can make your life and your world more beautiful by staying in touch with what you are feeling and then consciously choosing to respond. In truth there are no threats to your life,just experiences and your reactions to them.

Just for today, it does not matter what other people say or do. What does matter is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I choose to feel good about myself. I am worthy of my own love. I am even tempered and emotionally well balanced. I am safe and I can remain calm under any circumstance. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.