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Drama is a habit, just like any other unproductive habit we acquire. When your life seems dull or uninspired you may crave to ramp things up by unconsciously creating drama. When your life is filled with negativity you are naturally drawn to more negativity in the form of more drama. And, ironically YOU may actually need the drama to distract you from what you really need to be doing, but are too afraid of doing-making revolutionary changes in your life. Today, you can begin to break the cycle of creating and feeding the drama in your life. Today is the day that you recognize that drama loves more drama. Pain loves more pain. Negativity loves more negativity. And only you can stop the chaos and drama by stop responding to and feeding the drama. Only you can stop the drama by stopping taking everything so personally; letting go of your need to rescue everyone so that you can feel powerful, important and needed and by dropping the need to be right-righteous indignation is one of major fuels that keeps drama alive. Today, be willing to not respond to the drama around you; to become aware of your part and your need for drama and where and why you are actually creating the drama. Remember, don't respond to the drama and it will not come back around again. Today drop the drama, and set yourself free.

Just for today, I release all drama from my life. I get energy from the peace within me. I willingly release the need for struggle and suffering. I deserve all that is good in life. I release the need to be right. We are all doing the best we can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness that we have right now. I am in the process of making positive changes in every area of my life and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.