The blame game
Most people are doing the best they can given what they know and understand, including you. If they or you, for that matter, knew more or were aware more, they would do things differently. Today, release your need to blame anyone including yourself and look for the lessons instead. Blame is seductive because it makes you right and them wrong. For a moment, it feels good to say, “It was their fault,” but in the long run holding on to blame only hurts you and does absolutely nothing to help your evolution. In fact, it keeps you stuck. Today, let go of your need to find someone to blame and reclaim your power to change.
Just for today, I release the need to blame anyone, including myself. I know that we are all doing the best we can with the knowledge, understanding and awareness we have. I am gentle with myself knowing that I am doing the best I can in any given moment. I forgive myself for not being perfect. I am living the best way I know how. I am the only one that controls my thinking. I choose to think positive loving thoughts. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.