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Intentional living

Change is inevitable. Growth is intentional.It can be easy to sit back and just let life happen to you. However it is doubtful that any of us desire to just drift through life, letting things happen to you rather than for you. Instead the secret to living a full and meaningful life is to live intentionally and on purpose. And, as we head towards a new year, you can begin to set your intentions to what you desire your new year to look like, instead of letting the currents of life move you along. Today, begin to step into the New Year with the intention of choosing happiness for yourself and those around you. Happiness is a choice that comes from within. Regardless of your external circumstances, your perception determines your emotions. Set your intentions to choose to look on the bright side of everything, to choose to look for the lesson. Set your intentions to stay open to receiving the new and nourishing, and let go of the old that no longer serves you. And, remember at every point in time, and especially when confronted with imminent change, you have a choice of whether to embrace or to resist. Embracing change requires courage and trust because it’s always unnerving to step outside your comfort zone. But when you trust and embrace, change can bring you excitement, growth, and infinite new possibilities. And that is what happens when you choose to live intentionally and on your own terms. If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results. Set your focus and intentions today!

Just for today, I choose to feel good about myself each day. Every morning I remind myself that I can make the choice to feel good. This is a new habit for me to cultivate. I know that the more I focus on what I do not want that is exactly what I will get more of. I am willing to see where and how I need to change. I am willing to grow and change. I am always safe, divinely guided, protected and loved. Everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.