The Universe loves grateful people. The more moments you spend being grateful for, the more good will enter your life. If you have little in your life now,then gratitude will increase it. If you have an abundant life, then gratitude will help it to continue to be abundant. Gratitude increases the abundance in your life. Today, do not focus on what you don’t have and begin to focus on all the things you do. An attitude of gratitude is naturally attractive. It has the power to turn challenges into possibilities, problems into solutions, and losses into gains. It shifts the energy. It expands your vision and allows you to see what might normally be invisible to someone who limits themselves by remaining in a state of lack and limitation. Today, spend as many moments as you can being grateful for all the good that’s in your life. Today, just be grateful for it all!
Just for today, I awaken appreciating everything in sight and I give thanks. I express gratitude and thanksgiving every day, in every way. The more grateful I am, the more I have to be grateful for. I am grateful to be alive another day and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.