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It is no secret that life is full of surprises when you least expect it.And, while some of us thrive in those conditions, many of us suffer and struggle because we have the need to be in control of everything. However, that need to control everything and feel like you know what is coming next is in reality limiting your life. Today begin to acknowledge that Life is truly about the next surprise and that you have a choice on how your respond and react to those surprises-that is whether you continually suffer and struggle in the face of surprise or whether you welcome and embrace it. Life will surprise you if are open to possibilities, without knowing how things will unfold. While having some expectations can be good to have, being bound by them can limit your life since something better could unfold in your life that you cannot even imagine. Struggle ensues when you expect life to develop in a particular way and suffering results from your resistance to what “IS” happening. That doesn’t mean you are ambivalent or do not care. Rather you are less attached to outcomes, resulting from your passive state of anticipation. Today, just remain open to the possibilities and recognize that in reality life is a series of surprises. Don't be in such a rush to figure everything out. Today embrace Life and allow it to surprise you.

Just for today, I recognize that Life is an exciting surprise. I awaken each morning looking for positive experiences and I find them in the most unexpected places. Change and surprise are evident everywhere I go. I look with delight at all I see. I am willing to see my life in a whole new way. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.