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It's time YOU redefine love!

It is time to redefine your definition of love! As all of our planets begin to move into the sign of Virgo, you can begin to use that energy to learn to love yourself first; to take care of your health and well being, and to let go of unhealthy relationships. Ultimately, all relationships are a reflection of how you treat yourself. Today, ask yourself if the people in your life are supporting your well-being or diminishing your power. Are those people taking in a self entitled way or do they reciprocate your kindness and generosity. Then, YOU begin to decide who you let into your life and how much time and energy you devote to them. The Virgo goddess has come to help you own your power. Today, claim that power and begin to put YOU first...everything and everyone else will benefit from you making you your priority.

Just for today, I claim my power. I speak up for myself. I ask for what I want and I do not have to apologize for it. I love myself and therefore attract only loving people into my. life. I am safe. I am loved and my needs are important. Life loves me and supports me in every possible way. And so it is.