Get Grounded
It is time to get grounded! Between the glorification of being "busy" and constant social media at our fingertips, becoming un-grounded is easier than you may think! And when you become un-grounded you may experience the inability to focus or finish projects; you may feel spacey, question everything and just can't think straight. However, when you are grounded you are strongly connected to the Earth, stable and at ease. Fears and worries fade away and you feel safe, protected, and have an inner knowing that you’ll be taken care of. Today, make some time and space to get grounded by creating new routines in your life that support your well being. Whether it is through meditation, physical exercise, yoga, crystals, aromatherapy or a combination of all of them, it is time for you to get back to business and tune into what's truly meaningful for you. And, that all begins today by getting grounded.
Just for today, I am grounded. I am centered and I am strong. The energy of the earth flows through me. I am safe and divinely protected. I am grounded and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.