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Think BIG

This just might be your lucky day because today the heavens are shining their light and luck upon us all ! We currently are within the energy portal called the Lion's Gate, which culminates tomorrow and is a time that is known to bring great awakenings and to lift our consciousness to new heights. Today, you and I are being asked to think big and to reach for the stars. Whatever your dreams are, you might want to make them less "realistic" and more in tune with your true heart's desires. Today, get clear about what you really want rather than what your mind thinks is possible. Your soul has grander plans for you than you can ever imagine. So, today begin dreaming of a bigger and more delightful future. Today, think are meant to share your gifts in a much bigger way. So start today.

Just for today, I think BIG and then allow myself to accept even more. I act as if I already have what I want. It is an excellent way to attract happiness into my life. I am open and receptive to all the good of the Universe and Life supports me in every possible way. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.