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Stop "shoulding on" yourself and others

Your destiny is far greater than you can every imagine. However, you may be limiting your own potential by remaining attached to how your life SHOULD be. The word “should” has become a fixture in our everyday dialogue. We use it in conversation with others, as a way of motivating ourselves or keeping ourselves in check. But we also use the word “should” to express a myriad of feelings, including frustration, guilt, judgment and regret. Today begin to break the habit of “should”-ing" on yourself and other people. Today, let go of your attachment to the outcome of every situation and trust that you are being guided in the right direction at all times and under all circumstances-no matter what you think “should” be happening.

Just for today, I no longer use the word should. I refuse to make myself or anyone else wrong. I no longer judge or criticize myself or others. As I release all criticism, judgemental people leave my life. I accept everyone as they are, including myself. I am an unlimited being, receiving from an unlimited source, in an unlimited way. I am safe and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.