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Healthy boundaries

The definition of a boundary is a limit, which no one can overstep or violate, no matter who the other person is, how much you love him or her, or whether they are your boss, your friend or your family member! Your boundary is something that no one is allowed to breach. And, the past couple of months have been offering all of us lots of lessons about the importance of having healthy boundaries. Those lessons may have shown you the importance of how you use your time, who you give your time to and how you run the business of your life. Today, it is time to use those immense lessons to help you move forward in a much healthier, more focus way. Your discipline and your new boundaries have in truth made you stronger. Today, keep the faith, stay the course and you will reap the rewards of your hard work.

Just for today, I respect my boundaries and I insist others do too. I am a master at setting healthy boundaries that protect my time, energy, creativity and emotional well-being. I am now open and available to the infinite possibilities of the Universe. My life is an extraordinary adventure. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.