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New Moon Intentions

Today, we have our first New Moon of the year, in Aquarius and it brings with it healing and hope. It has been a bit of an intense start of the year and you might feel as if you haven't had that "fresh start" feeling of renewal that most New Years typically bring. But, this New Moon will bring us all some surprising realizations, insights and awakenings-always in the name of freedom and making certain that change will happen. Change can manifest in a variety of ways, but it seems that this New Moon will be working on our emotions and triggering us to change the way we have been feeling about an event or our lives, in general. We all need to get better at feeling our emotions. We need to stop burying, hiding or stuffing our emotions and allow ourselves to move through the world with a little more emotional freedom. Today, by the light of this New Moon ask yourself what it is that no longer feeds your soul; who and what you can let go of that no longer nourishes your soul and what aspects of your work are no longer meaningful. Today, allow yourself to get real with yourself and let go of the people, places and things that serve no purpose in your life. And, in some cases they are using you and your energy, holding you back and keeping you stuck. It is time to let your true self shine. Begin today!

Just for today, I am willing to let go. I give myself permission to let go. I am willing to let go of everything that no longer serves any purpose in my life-people, places, beliefs and habits. I let go of all expectations and flow easily and lovingly with Life. I know only good awaits me at every turn. I let go of all childhood fears. I am now a secure, empowered human being. I am safe and I feel free when I let go of things. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.