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Hatred seems to be all around us today. Whether it is related to politics, race, or just out of our intense fear, hatred seems to have become a part of our everyday rhetoric. Today, it is time for YOU to start to transform your own hatred into love. For you see, hating is easy, but loving is where you will find your true courage and strength. Learning to love yourself, love each other, and love those that have wronged you will lead you into a new power. Today, begin to become aware that even though it seems hard or challenging to show and find love for those that you deem bad or dangerous or even evil, if you open your heart to recognize that the same love that made them have made you, then you can start to heal yourself and the planet. It is through forgiveness that you and I can heal individually and collectively, not through hatred, judgement and anger. And, you must also learn to forgive yourself! Remember, nothing is as it seems. The “wrongdoings” that you make in this life could actually be part of something you are not aware of and are definitely made to help you grow. Today, remember that nothing is really as it seems so don’t get so attached to outcomes or your discomfort, anger or struggling. Today, allow yourself to forgive. It will set your free and to help you heal and to heal the world around you.

Just for today, I am willing to forgive. I forgive everyone for all past perceived wrongs. I release them with love. As I forgive myself it becomes easier to forgive others. I know that the person is the hardest for me to forgive is the one I need to forgive and let go of the most. Forgiveness is a gift to myself. I forgive and set myself free. I am safe. It is only change and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.