Healing your past and creating your future
We are in a time that is ripe for healing-healing your past and creating your future through that healing. Today, begin to become aware that you can change your future with your present actions and heal your past with your energy. Today, if you find yourself dwelling on your past, remind yourself that you have the power, right NOW, to change your future. If you remember a wound from your past, you can send love to yourself and that situation to heal the past energy. If you find yourself in an old pattern, ask yourself what choices can you choose to make now that can create a different outcome. As you change your energy and your thoughts, you will change the trajectory of your life. Today, know that the past is over and done, that your future is yours to co create and that you write the future one moment at a time in this present moment, NOW.
Just for today, I create a wonderful new day and a wonderful new future. The past is over and done and has no power over me. I can begin to be free in this moment. Today's thoughts create my future. I am in charge and I now take back my own power to create the life I desire. I know that if I dwell on what I do not want that is exactly what I will get more of. My future is bright and beautiful. I am safe and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.