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Stop apologizing for everything and nothing

For many of us, the word “sorry” has become something we reactively utter, regardless of whether we have done anything wrong. This seemingly harmless habit can actually lower your self-esteem, justify other people’s poor actions, and turn you into a complete pushover. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with apologizing for the bad things you’ve done. However, when saying sorry becomes your automatic response to anything that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, it can be problematic. While you can never know other people’s intentions, you can recognize that your words influence your own state of mind–and apologizing when you've done nothing wrong needlessly creates guilt and undermines your confidence. It can also create an imbalance in your relationships, since it tells other people you think you are always responsible for any potential conflict or miscommunication; and it also sends the message that you are more interested in being agreeable than being honest. Today begin to recognize that more often than not, there is no reason for anyone to take blame. Today if you find yourself apologizing repeatedly, ask yourself, “Did I actually do something wrong?” And if not, “Do I really want to communicate that I think I did?”The whole point of learning to apologize less is to build confidence in yourself and your choices, and that means embracing your humanity. Today, recognize that it is human to struggle, and unless you are hurting other people, there is no need to apologize for it.

Just for today, I do not apologize about everything under the sun. I choose my apologies with care and sincerity. I nourish myself by saying no when I mean no and yes when I mean yes. I know what I want and I do not have to apologize for it. When I make a mistake, I recognize that it is all part of the learning process. I am safe and Life supports me in every possible way. And so it is.