"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
“Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.” Most of us have heard that quote and wonder what it really means since the two emotions seem inextricably linked together-that one was the inevitable consequence of the other. Today, begin to recognize that while pain can’t be avoided, there are ways you can reduce your self-generated suffering. Today, you can begin to suffer less by embracing the changes you and I are being forced to make. What might seem horrible today may in the long run turn out to be just what you and I need to take us to the next step of our lives. If you can learn to lean into change rather than resist it, you just might find the possibilities inherent in your challenging situation. Today, recognize that suffering is something that you and I create to hold onto the pain, to remain attached to the ways we thought our lives should be and to fight the truth of impermanence of this Life. Today, you can stop suffering even if nothing in your life looks like it did before; even in the face of profound loss. Today remember that while suffering is always self-generated, happiness is also self-generated. Today, allow yourself to feel all your feelings, including sadness and pain but also allow yourself to generate some happiness too. You always have the choice, today choose some happiness.
Just for today, I willingly release the need to suffer or struggle. I deserve all that is good in life. I know if I dwell on what I do not want. That is exactly what I will get more of. I let go with ease of all the people, places, things and beliefs that no longer serve any purpose in my life. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.