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Creativity is the gateway to self-connection, and it is the path to giving yourself what you really need to live life fully. And yet, many of us value our cognitive skills, our thinking, over our innate creativity. Today, begin to recognize that it is your heart not your mind that knows what you truly want and who you really are. You and I gain so much through the act of creating—presence, self-expression, healing, self-awareness, time to ourselves, clarity, and confidence. But perhaps most importantly, we gain the ability to meet and accept ourselves in the moment, with the sole intention of expressing what’s in our hearts. There is something immensely freeing about knowing that this alone is a worthy goal. That we truly can create for the fun of it, for the love of it, because it makes us feel passionate and alive. And when we feel passionate and alive, we forget for a moment that there’s anywhere else to get to—because for that time, there’s nothing to escape. Today, allow yourself to listen to your heart. Your mind will make logical choices but that is not always what your soul wants. Only your heart knows what your mind cannot fathom. Today, let your heart lead you and create the life your desire.

Just for today, I recognize that the key to creativity is that my thinking creates my experiences. I use this key in every area of my life. My unique and creative talents and abilities flow through me and are expressed through deeply satisfying ways. My creativity is always in demand. I am learning to be more creative every day. I am safe and I am willing to let go of everything that stops me from creating the life I desire. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.