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You know YOUR truth. Trust it

We all struggle with trusting ourselves and our intuition- that inner knowing that sometimes whispers and sometimes screams our truth. And, perhaps it is not that we don't know or hear the guidance of our inner wisdom but rather it is that we do not trust that inner voice. We do not trust that our feelings are valid, that our observations are not all in our head. We often doubt ourselves and even worse, we often trust other people's opinions more than our own. Today, it is time to begin to trust your intuition, your inner knowing, to trust that you know what is true for you and then to trust that you have enough courage to take action on what you know. Today, begin to recognize and acknowledge that you in truth can never make a wrong decision because you can always “right” your decision somewhere down the line. Know that if an opportunity is presenting itself to you now, then on some level you are ready for it. Know that if you may make a decision that does not work out as you planned, it is teaching you the lessons that will then point you in the right direction. No decision is final and every wrong turn can be righted. Today, trust in your truth and have faith in yourself and your intuition, no matter what. Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.

Just for today, I trust my inner wisdom and I make decisions with ease. I know that every decision I make is the right one for me. Making decisions is easy for me. I welcome new ideas and I follow through with what I say. I am the manager of my life and affairs. I make decisions with ease and everything works out for my highest good. All that I every need to know is revealed to me. My intuition is always on my side. And so it is.