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One tiny step

Most people dream of doing something that gives them a sense of excitement and purpose. But, only some people believe in the possibility of that meaningful, exciting reality. Even fewer people pursue those goals in the face of adversity and discouragement. However, belief in possibility and the willingness to try can mean the difference between feeling alive and feeling stuck. Even if you don’t get where you’re headed, believing you can and working toward your dream is more powerful than you realize. You and I are making big changes in our lives, even if we don't really know where we are headed on the next steps of our journey. Today, do not look backward or try to recreate your past because it is over. Do not look at the whole journey ahead of you because the whole journey can appear intimidating and simply stop you from changing. Today instead simply focus on your next step and you will go further than you could ever imagine. Today, one step leads to another, which leads to another, and eventually creates change. You never know where your steps will take you in life, but they’ll take you a lot further if you visualize where you want to go and act as though you can get there. Today, take one tiny step, be willing and then watch miracles happen in your life.

Just for today, I am willing to take the first step towards changing my life, no matter how small it is. I recognize that every obstacle is but a stepping stone. My good cannot be stopped. When I make a mistake I know it is all part of the learning process. I am willing to learn. I act as if I already have what I want. It is an excellent way of attracting happiness into my life. I am willing to see my world in a whole new way. I am safe, divinely guided, protected and loved. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.