Put an end to your suffering and learn your lessons
As unbelievable as it may seem, we are finishing up another month. A month that certainly gave us some lessons! And, today would be a good day to reflect on all that has happened to you this month, especially what you are meant to learn. You went through those experiences for a reason. If you are having trouble finding clarity about why you have attracted certain experiences over and over again, then most likely the answers have to do with you not being true to yourself in some way. We all attract what we need to help us learn our lessons. If we do not take the time to really understand and to integrate what we are supposed to learn, you can guarantee that you will have the same experiences again, until you learn those lessons. Today, make some time with yourself to decipher your lessons so you can move on.
Just for today, I am willing to learn something new every day. I am willing to see how and where I need to change. I cannot learn other people's lessons for them. They must do their own work and they will do it when they are ready. I recognize that everyone in my life has something to teach me. We have a purpose in being together. I am willing to grow and change. I am safe and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.