Forgive the person who is hardest for you to forgive
Harboring anger and hatred toward anyone guarantees that you remain in low energy fields where problems will continue to crop up repeatedly in your life. And, your worst enemies are your greatest teachers because they allow you to examine the emotions of anger and revenge and then to transcend them. They give you the exact tools you need to elevate yourself to the spiritual energies that eliminate problems and provide solutions. Today, choose to forgive instead of holding onto to resentments and the hurt that you have experienced. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean condoning their behavior. It doesn’t mean forgetting how they hurt you or giving that person room to hurt you again. Forgiving someone means making peace with what happened. It means acknowledging your wound, giving yourself permission to feel the pain, and recognizing why that pain no longer serves you. It means letting go of the hurt and resentment so that you can heal and move on. Today, when you feel that fire in your belly or you find yourself fixated on what you "hate", stop yourself, ask what you need to learn, even if the answer is that you need to let go and then, consciously forgive and move on. Forgiveness will free you from negativity and allow you to grow and change. It is a gift you can give yourself right now.
Just for today, I am willing to forgive. I know that the person who is hardest to forgive is the one that I need to forgive and let go of the most. As I forgive myself, it becomes easier to forgive others. I forgive others and release the past. I now create my own life the way I want it. Every experience is perfect for my self growth. I am safe. It is only change and out of this situation only good will come. And so it is.