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Worrying is just a waste of time

Worrying is exhausting such a waste of time. It drains you mentally and physically. And in the end, nothing gets accomplished except worrying. We worry because we feel that if we are worrying, we are taking a positive action. We feel as if doing so can change the situation, when in reality it cannot. In fact, it usually makes everything situation worse. Worry can also distract us from even scarier parts of our lives, or from our own intense emotions. And it can help us feel like we’re protecting ourselves and what’s important to us just by thinking about them. Today, it is time to let go of your need to constantly be worrying about something or someone. It is time to begin to practice trusting in the process of Life and in the Universe, which after all provides you and me with everything we need, although it just might not be what we want or what we thought we needed. Today begin to accept that most of the good things in your life didn’t happen solely because of your own foresight or effort. Sure, you contributed to many of them, but they also required a lot of luck, happy accidents and coincidences, and forces outside of your control. Today, recognize that trust is the ultimate antidote to worry, trusting in powers that in reality are bigger that your brain and thinking. You may not have been born or have cultivated that trust, it is possible to build trust in ourselves and the universe through practice, one worry at a time. Begin today to consciously stop yourself from worry.

Just for today, I release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries about the future. I realize that stress is only fear. I release all fears. I am a capable person and I can handle anything that comes my way. I am good enough and I trust the power that created me to protect me, guide me and love me at all times and under all circumstances. I am safe in this present moment and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.