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Venus in Aquarius

During the month of February, there will be five planets in Aquarius, including Venus. Venus is the planet that governs the heart which is the "feeling" nature. Aquarius is an air sign, which is associated with thinking and fosters uniqueness and individuality. So, during Mercury Retrograde, which always helps us slow down and look inward, you and I will be re-thinking and re-feeling our relationships. We will be re-evaluating our self worth, so we can more freely be ourselves. Today, allow yourself to think back on your past relationships that have ended. You most likely gave too much of yourself or tried to be someone you are not in an effort to please other people. Then, allow Venus is Aquarius to offer you the objectivity to look at how you interact with others so you can attract more supportive relationships. The more honest and direct you are in your relationships, the healthier they will be. Today, remember that every relationship is a mirror of your self worth. And, since you have changed, it is time for you to let go of the relationships that no longer mirror who you are right now. Today, let the energies of the Universe help you to do just that so that you can make room for new relationships that reflect who you are right now.

Just for today, I recognize that I am worthy of love and respect. As I begin to love and value myself more, I attract new loving, balanced, reciprocal relationships into my life. I attract only loving relationships into my life for they are a mirror of who I am. I am willing to let go of all the relationships that no longer serve any purpose in my life. I am safe in all my relationships. I give and receive lots of love. I am willing to change and all my changes are easy to make. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.