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Forgiveness sometimes is complicated. And, despite knowing that holding onto resentment is like taking poison and hoping someone else will die, or forgiveness is a choice or refusing to forgive is living in the past, it sometimes is really hard to forgive someone. For you see, that in reality there is a part of us that does not want to forgive. And, that is a truth that can be difficult to acknowledge. We don’t like admitting to the fact that some petty part of ourselves doesn’t want to forgive people. We say we “don’t know how to forgive,” and that might be true, but the other truth is that some part of us often doesn’t want to forgive. We don’t want to admit that this part exists, because of all the stories it piles on top of us—stories that we’re mean, petty, judgmental people. However, we are not, we are just human and today we can begin to acknowledge where we have been resistant to forgiving others or ourselves. First, acknowledge the parts of you that don’t want to forgive. Acknowledge the parts that want to punish by not forgiving, that derive some artificial source of power from withholding forgiveness. Next, if you’re aware already of the fact that you don’t want to forgive, consider the stories that go along with that. Consider that perhaps you have given too much power to that person and listen to the stories you tell yourself and if they are still true. Today, be willing to overcome your resistance and your unwillingness to forgive. Today remember that freedom is what we do with what’s been done to you. And, that it is not the circumstances of our lives that matter. It is what we choose to do with them. Today choose to forgive.

Just for today, I am willing to forgive. I choose to release all hurt and resentments. I choose to forgive everyone for all past perceived wrongs. I release them with you. I recognize that the person that is the hardest for me to forgive is the one I need to forgive and let go of the most. I lovingly forgive and release the past. I choose to fill my life with joy. I love and approve of myself. I forgive and set myself free. And so it is.