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You may still feeling the effects of the Scorpio Super moon, which stirred up a bunch of emotions. Perhaps you're feeling moody, having weird dreams or just plain sad. Today, do not try to push yourself to make things happen. Do not ignore how you feel and force change to happen. Today, instead rest your heart and your mind and let the emotions pass through you. You and I are transforming into new beings and that metamorphosis can feel uncomfortable and at times unbearable. Yet the journey is profound. Today, rest and know that no matter how much you having been suffering and struggling, you in truth are becoming a better version of yourself. As it has been said, if there is no struggle, there is no progress.

Just for today, I willingly release the need to struggle and suffer. I deserve all that is good in Life. I am a capable person. I can handle anything that comes my way. I have the strength to remain calm in the face of change. I am safe. It is only change and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is