There is no passion to be found in playing your life small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. But, far too often we convince ourselves that we must accept our current circumstances – that there’s nothing more we should expect out of life. We grow complacent and secure in our environments, but are rarely ever truly happy or satisfied with the quality of our existence. And, yet we all settle in some areas of our life out of fear -that staying small keeps us safe; or because our ego has convinced us that we are being a realistic, a mature adult or just because we have come to believe that we just don't deserve any more. Today the Universe wants you to stop limiting your life by settling for "less than". Whether you’re settling in your friendships, your relationships, your work, your family, or your self-care, settling feels terrible and it’s bad for you, for your work, for your relationships. Today, set your intentions to be honest with yourself about where you have been settling for boring or small in your life and why? Begin to really question your rationalizations and fears that stop you from living bigger and accepting more. Today, recognize that you deserve more and that confronting your fears will open up a whole new world for you-bigger and more abundant than you ever could imagine. Don't settle for less because you deserve so much more.
Just for today, I am willing to release the need to feel unworthy. I recognize that I deserve the best and I accept it now. I willingly release the need to struggle and suffer. I deserve all that is good in Life. I am willing to change in ways that broaden my life experiences. I am safe. It is only change and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.