New Moon in Cancer
We have a New Moon in Cancer, the compassionate and nurturing crab . New Moons are always a potent time for setting intentions, for as the moon's light grows so do your intentions. And, since Cancer, the crab carries its home on its back, representing its desire to always feel safe and secure, you too may be looking for new ways to feel more secure and “at home” with wherever you are right now. Feeling at home is really about acceptance, accepting where you are right now, even if you do not want to be there any longer. It is about embracing the reality that where you are is where you need to be, even though you may feel challenged, fearful, or at odds with what lies before you. You may feel like you don't fit any longer where you are nor do you really know how to get to your next place-a place where you feel at home and that you fit in. Today, set your intentions to practice radical and unwavering self-care by being gentle with yourself, standing up for yourself, setting boundaries, and moving from a place of compassion. On this New Moon, set your intentions with the knowing that you are building a better life for yourself. You may feel uncertain on the journey. But, today have unwavering faith that you are always safe, divinely guided and protected. Just for today, I move through life, knowing that I am divinely guided and protected. I am safe. It is only change. I now cross all bridges with joy and ease. The old unfolds into wonderful new experiences. My life gets better all the time. And so it is.