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New Moon in Capricorn on 111

Today we have our first New Moon of the New Year and it carries with it waves of fresh inspiration, inspiring us to get excited about the year ahead. This New Moon, which falls on 111, also offers us a potent opportunity for intention setting. And, it's important not to head into this year on autopilot. Rather than stepping into 2024 hoping for the best, it's vital to be intentional about the lessons from last year and what you wish to co-create moving forward. If you want your dreams to come true, they must be heartfelt and inspired. Furthermore, it is said that intentions or goals made on a Capricorn New Moon hold the promise of longevity. So, if there is something you really want to commit to for the long term, set your intentions and then take a small action in that direction under this New Moon. And, most importantly, today you need to begin by consciously letting go of last year’s energy, allowing space for you to plant new seeds to take root for what truly matters. Today, allow this New Moon to help you to see the big picture of your life and then set your intentions to achieve your grandest aspiration in this New Year.

Just for today, I am willing to let go. I am willing to listen to my intuition and follow its guidance. I am willing to change. And everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.