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Neighbors sharing food with neighbors

They say that timing is everything!  I was given that lesson this week!  After experiencing the" Emperor's New Clothes", detailed in my blog last week,  I gratefully let go of many things that were holding me back to moving forward and started this week off with an experience that renewed my faith in myself and the world in which I live!  

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon with Mia Vaughnes, the founder and owner of   Good Neighbor Gardens.  She and I are like minded in the belief that we are here to create profound change and good in this lifetime.  With that being said, here's how Mia is making positive and profound change in her world and in your world.

Mia founded GNG three years ago guided by the mission "to grow and distribute food to those in the city, to educate people how to grow their own food and to serve the under served."  To accomplish that mission, Mia and her "fabulous farm hands" plant edible installations in San Diego neighborhood backyards and schools and then distributes the produce, which is not used by the homeowner,  via a Community Supported Agriculture Model (CSA).  Additionally her fabulous farmhands provide up to 3 hours of labor per week to keep those gardens maintained.  In this way, GNG creates a bigger community of neighbors, who are sharing their resources to ensure that everyone  has access to the healthiest, freshest food at an affordable price.   

In Mia's own words, “I think we are living in a socially disconnected and health starved community. Food can bring us together.  It has always been the life-giving, unifying force and food tastes better when shared.  It's the common denominator by which we can work together, side by side to regenerate ourselves and our community". 

Mia said it all!  I am just incredibly grateful that I met and got to know Mia Vaughnes! I feel blessed that I will get to be part of how she's making this world a better place!

Inspired?   Want to know more?  Contact Mia at or give her a call at 858-375-6121