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Transformation awaits you!

Tomorrow at 12:12 am we will experience a rare Black Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. This rare Black Moon eclipse is the second New Moon in Aries in a row, and it's taking place in the final degree of this fiery sign so you can expect to feel the  pioneering and adventurous energy of Aries  calling you to take a leap of faith and step into uncharted territory. With this eclipse, you have the power to break free from old patterns and embrace new beginnings. And, this eclipse is said to be a profound reset of our consciousness, launching us into fateful new beginnings. Furthermore, it will open new doors, bring us new opportunities and new pathways. Some of those opportunities may come as a surprise but others may be things we have been working towards for some time. Today, set  your intentions to create  space to allow this growth to happen by first letting go of something or someone that no longer serves your highest good. And, even though this final “letting go” can bring about a sense of crisis, chaos or emotional turmoil,  trust that this is a necessary part of your evolution. Know that you are shedding old aspects of your identity, allowing yourself to emerge more confident and authentic than ever before. Today, set your intentions to let go of who you were and everything around that identity. Then,  visualize what you would like to become;  begin to look at things in a new way, and stay open to the abundance of the Universe. Today, do not allow yourself to be broken down by the high intensity energies of this eclipse. Instead remember that you are a co-creator of the Universe, so use this power and work with the Eclipse energy by setting clear intentions of what you want your life to look like moving forward. Keep your vibration lifted, and remember that all things are possible, especially when you step up and become the leader of your life. Under this Aries Eclipse, know you have added power to set intentions, seek opportunities, take that leap of faith, and put yourself out there. Today, begin to allow your true authentic self to shine, and opportunities will flow your way. Today, know that you are in the midst of a transformation that will change the course of your life. Today, surrender, let go and allow that transformation to happen.  Just for today, I am willing to let go.  I let go of who I was so I can become who I am supposed to be right now. I let go of my need to struggle and suffer.  I am safe and I am willing to change. And even if it doesn’t seem like it, everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.