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What are you affirming?

Happy Spring!  As the seasons change so have I been experiencing great change in my life, all positive, all part of the beautiful adventure which I've been gifted with in this life.  However, some changes I just didn't see coming and this is the story of one of those surprises.

If you know me or if you've read any of my other blogs, you'll know that my internal, spiritual growth and awareness is an important component in my life.  But, what most of you didn't know is that for the last five years, I have gotten up at 4 am to spend an hour in meditation, followed by choosing an affirmation that guides my day.  The affirmation that I choose is based on what's happening astrologically, numerology wise and always is a simple statement that my friend, Louise Hay, has created along the way.  Louise has an ability to take what appears to be a complicated human emotion or condition and to sum it up in a very simple statement.  For example, "Life is really very simple. What we give out we get back. Every thought we think is creating our future."  Simple but indisputably true. 

All that being said, every morning for the last five years, I've been sending an affirmation via text to friends,  who are also focused on their personal growth.  During the five years, I have sent those text affirmations out to over 50 people.  Many of those people today no longer receive them because they didn't find them useful.  Those people thought that just by reading that morning text and doing nothing different that they would somehow be propelled forward.  Yes, indeed I have met many people who want to change without changing!  They want to be sober without actually stopping their drinking.   Ironically, many people I meet indigently fight to keep their own unhappiness, waiting for some magical bullet, husband, new job, money or fabulous friendship to bring them that happiness. Those people my affirmations definitely do not and will not help!

Last week,  someone who received my text affirmation,   posted it on Facebook, allowing a much bigger group of people to know about my morning practice.  Initially, I felt exposed, thinking that now everyone knew my true inner self.  Moreover, a bunch of strangers got to see the true me without defenses or any masks, which briefly frighten me. However, that initial feeling quickly dissipated when I started to receive messages from people who wished to be included in my daily affirmation text.  It seems that I am not alone in my desire to follow my purpose and become my highest self. 

I will continue my morning meditation and other practices because they prepare me to face my day as my highest and best self, to do my best work, to forgive what has been, to show compassion for what will be and to live as much as I can in love, as a reflection of love.