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Your future starts today

As we begin to wrap up this year, it is natural to begin to look forward towards your future and what you would like your future to look it. This year definitely showed you a lot of what you don't want and glimpses of what you would like to become. Now, it's time to begin to prepare yourself for the NEW you! One of the best ways to create the future you want is to visualize yourself doing what you want to be doing-to visualize yourself in your daily activities of your new life. And, not just the awesome aspects but also the mundane activities.

Today, begin to prepare yourself in every way for the new life, which you are creating right now. Remember, you might have let go of some people or circumstances, which have previously brought you security, but now just don't serve any purpose in your life. You are re-building some of your life from the ground up and although it might feel shaky at first, you in reality are building a more stable foundation on which you can build your amazing new future. Be willing, dream big and most of all do not hold onto your past, because you are headed into a new chapter of your life. Today, see it happening!

Just for today, I recognize that is is a great day to create, imagine, produce and visualize. I act as if I already have what I want. It is an excellent way to create happiness in my life. I recognize that every thought I think today is creating my future. I choose to think positive loving thoughts and I know that my future is bright and beautiful. Everything in my life works now and forevermore. And so it is.