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Full Moon Power

It is the last Full Moon of the year. This Full Moon because it follows just hours after our Solstice is said to of "immense power". That rare sequence of events is the Universe's way of insuring that you are letting go of the emotional baggage that you've been carrying around with you and that has been preventing you from making the changes that you desire.

This powerful Full Moon also offers you the opportunity to start the New Year with a fresh perspective and a liberated heart. Today, celebrate all that you have achieved all year long, and release what you no longer wish to take with you in the New Year. You are a different person than you were at the beginning of the year. Your light is stronger from within, and now you have so much more radiance to share with the world. Today, powered by the light of the Full Moon, be willing to do a final let go of any relationships, habits, patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. You will need all of your focus and strength to fulfill your heart's desire in the coming year. Let go and let positive change and pleasant surprises come your way.

Just for today, I am willing to let go. I let go of childhood fears. I am a secure, empowered adult. I now choose to release all hurt and resentment. I release all expectations, knowing that Life will always take care of me. I let go and I let the new come rushing in. I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my every changing life. All is truly well in my world. And so it is.