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Worrying-what a waste of time!

“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose.”

Worrying may be the biggest waste of time that you and I can every engage in. It doesn't change anything. All it does is keep you very busy doing nothing! Today, recognize that although you can’t always control what your future will look like, you can know and trust that more often than not, it will lead to something good if you remain open to it. And, when things don't turn out like you thought they "should", know and trust that you will get through it—and faster if you haven't already overwhelmed yourself with what-ifs and worst-case scenarios. Know that none of us can control exactly what our future will look like. You can however always trust in yourself. Today, don't worry, be happy!

Just for today, I release all negative thoughts of the past and all worries of the future. I have the strength to remain calm in the face of change. I trust that everything I need will come to me at the perfect time, in the perfect way. Life supports me in every possible way. And, everything in my life works now and forevermore. And so it is.