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When we face a conflict we face an opportunity to learn from pain. It’s like putting your hand against a hot burner on the stove. The burn warns you that you need to do something differently. However, our natural inclination when we are confronted with conflict is to outsource the blame, making it impossible to get the lesson and move on. So we continue to endure burning ourselves over and over again. And it is our need to be "right" that can keep us on a constant or re-occurring experience with conflict. We have conflicts with our co-workers, our boss, our neighbors, our partners and almost anyone in our lives. We constantly find conflict because we have the need to be right, the need to be appreciated and in some cases the need to feel like we won. Today, stop the cycle of fighting with yourself and others because you need to be right! Begin to consider the notion that there is no right in most situations, just two perspectives. Begin to look for your responsibility in your conflict. When you over extend yourself or have unclear expectations or boundaries with people you actually add to the chaos and conflict. Today, just accept what is. The opportunity to grow in conflict comes when you accept the other person’s limitations and take care of yourself without feeling indignant, bitter, or self-righteous. If you can do that, you can broaden your path from conflict toward compassion.

Just for today, divine harmony and peace dwells within me and around me. I feel tolerance, compassion and love for all people, including myself. I now choose to release all hurt and resentment. I am divinely protected, guided and loved. Everything is working out for my highest good and so it is.