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Speak what is in your heart

The Universal energies want us all to begin to get our hearts, minds and words in alignment and to learn better and more authentic ways of communicating-ways that bring more peace and harmony rather than division and separation. Today, make some time to ask yourself what have you been holding back from sharing either publicly or with your loved ones that needs to be expressed? Then, allow yourself to speak your truth clearly and directly. Now is the time and the whole Universe is supporting you in speaking your truth and aligning your mind, your heart and your words.

Just for today, I am a clear thinker. I express myself with ease. My heart is open I speak with loving words. I am safe when I express my feelings. I can remain serene under any circumstance. Divine wisdom, divine harmony and divine peace reign supreme within me and around me and around each and every person. We are all centered in truth and live in joy. Everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.