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We are under the go, go, go energy of Aries. It is a time to plant new seeds, to begin new projects and to begin to create new relationships. However, you cannot begin anything new if you are still attached to the old or anything that continually drains your energy and leaves you feeling frustrated and just tired. So, before you go, go, go and begin anew, it is important to pause, reflect and allow yourself to let go of anything or anyone who is an energy drain or who you are certain serves no purpose in your life any longer. Today, take some time to recognize how much you really have learned and grown, and how in reality you are ready for to let go. And, how in reality you are ready to begin again, smarter, wiser and much tougher. As you begin to recognize how much you have grown and changed. allow yourself to celebrate how far you have come and give thanks to those people, places and situations that taught you some hard lessons. Remember, new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. Today, know that new beginnings are always preceded by endings. So, today allow yourself to let go, trust and make room for the new.

Just for today, I am open to the magic and mystery that this new beginning brings. I listen to my feelings and I am gentle with myself. I know that all my feelings are my friends, not just the ones I like. I embrace change and I willingly let go of everything that does not serve any purpose in my life. I begin and end each day in gratitude and joy. I am willing to change and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is