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Full Moon in Cancer

We have our last Full Moon of the year, and it falls in the nurturing and sensitive sign of Cancer. Full moons always illuminate what lies beneath the surface, and this one, in the midst of Mercury Retrograde, will feel different. For you see, although this Full Moon will bring what’s been hidden deep within you, this Full Moon will give you the opportunity to pause and really begin to heal what comes up for you. It's a pause at the end of the year where you can reflect upon your journey. Synchronistically, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, emerges from its retrograde today, urging you to acknowledge the needs you may have neglected in the whirlwind of giving. Remember, self-care isn't just bubble baths and massages (though those have their place!). It is the deliberate tending of your emotional garden and an unwavering commitment to showing yourself the same nurturing you so readily offer others. Today, intentionally slow down and give yourself some time to feel all the feels so that you can heal! Allow yourself to begin feel powerful in your own skin and free of all that no longer supports you. Today, celebrate your accomplishments and tend to your needs, allow your dreams to root in the fertile soil of this Full Moon. And as the year draws to a close, remember the seeds you plant now will blossom in the sunshine of the year to come. Today, embrace the light of this Full Moon, celebrate your journey, and step into the future with an open heart and ready to shine!

Just for today, I am willing to let go. I easily, effortlessly and joyously let go of all that no longer serves any purpose in my life. I willingly release the need to struggle and suffer. I deserve all that is good in Life. I have the power to create the Life I desire and I claim that power now. Life supports me in every possible way and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.