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Happy Easter

Happy Easter!  The meaning of Easter goes well beyond chocolate bunnies and candy eggs.  In fact, it can offer all of us, whether you celebrate or not, inspiration to resurrect ourselves and our lives, no matter what our lives look like right now. Furthermore, the story of Jesus Christ’s resurrection symbolizes for us all that no matter the level of pain you may be experiencing, there is a chance to rise again. We all know that we get what we focus on, so today, on Easter, focus on allowing yourself to be reborn.  Today, know that every day offers you an opportunity to be reborn and to begin again. Even if it may take every ounce of energy and faith you can muster up to believe in the resurrection of your circumstances, today trust that you have the potential to do so. We all seek the miraculous in some area of our lives and we probably all need a miracle. Today is about claiming that you deserve one. Today, is a day that you acknowledge that anything is possible, even if the course to get there may be difficult. And it doesn’t matter how depressing or heavy your past has been—today is not that day-today is a new one. Today,  focus instead on the possibility of new life as you allow yourself to rise again. There’s a power that’s in each of us but not of us that has more love to give and more life to live. So, today let the past be behind you, allow yourself to walk forward in the truth of light and love, and let yourself be resurrected.  Just for today, I recognize that the past is over and done.  I now turn my total attention to this present moment and create the life I desire. I am willing to let go and to move forward and all Life supports me in every step I take. I am safe and everything is always working out for my highest good. And so it is.