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Your sense of self-worth determines all your other relationship standards

Your sense of self-worth determines all your other relationship standards. Therefore, if you don’t like and love yourself, if you don’t value yourself, you’ll have low standards for how you let other people treat you. Because in truth, we simply don’t protect and take care of what we don’t hold in high regard. Furthermore, the way you treat yourself and how you let others treat you shows you how much or little you really value yourself. When you neglect yourself, you deprive yourself of what you need: attention, consideration, care, support, reassurance, connection, encouragement, and love. You then most likely tend to look toward others to provide it for you. You mistakenly believe that the pain you experience is something only someone else, outside yourself, can soothe or heal.The problem is that others cannot do it for you. They cannot fill the void you may have created by depriving yourself of self-care. Other people can support you and boost you from time to time, but they simply cannot do it for you because their efforts meet a void and simply disappear into insignificance. Moreover, when we don’t like ourselves, we don’t understand why others like us. When we don’t like how we look and someone compliments us, we don’t believe them. We think they’re lying to us or they are just being nice. And, when we don’t love ourselves, we cannot receive anyone else’s love because we don’t trust it. We don’t believe it. It doesn’t match with what we believe about ourselves, and so our brains reject it. It doesn’t feel safe and all of a sudden, our relationship becomes fear-based and never fulfill our needs. So, today acknowledge that you are a co-creator of all your relationships. Relationships don’t just randomly happen to us. We co-create them. We are always in a relationship—even if it’s the one we have with ourselves.And it’s the one we have with ourselves that informs all others. The relationship you have with yourself sets the tone for all the other relationships you have in your life. The good thing is that you are in charge of that now. You have the power and you get to choose how you treat yourself. Today choose to focus on the relationship that you have with yourself. Choose to value yourself and choose to treat yourself as if you are someone you deeply love and respect. Choose to love appreciate yourself and watch your other relationships change for the better.

Just for today, I acknowledge that I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more and to share that love with others. I recognize that love is the great miracle cure and loving myself will create miracles in my life. I love and approve of myself unconditionally and everything is working out for my highest good.