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In this age of technology, many of us find ourselves being ghosted, whether it is from romantic relationships, friendships, or prospective employers. How we communicate has become incredibly impersonal yet so much easier for humans who intrinsically hate conflict. We take for granted how much technology has changed how we interact with people. We now have substituted face-to-face communication and connecting with social media like buttons or emojis to communicate how we feel. Efficiency and avoidance reign supreme in this age of technology, and it has made it so easy to disregard anything and everything; common courtesy has now become painfully underutilized. Real face-to-face interactions are a thing of the past.  And out of the lack of connection and honest communication comes the now commonly used way of showing our displeasure by ghosting people.  So, it is our challenge to learn new ways of coping with ghosting.  They begin with recognizing that when someone ghosts you, it says nothing about you or your worthiness for love and everything about the person doing the ghosting. It shows they don’t have the courage to deal with the discomfort of their emotions or yours. Either they don’t understand the impact of their behavior or, worse, they don’t care. Remembering that it has nothing to do with you will take the sting out of being ignored and ghosted.  In truth, you may find yourself ghosting other people for various reasons.  In those cases, examining why you choose the “easy” way out and what that says about you and your integrity and self-respect is just as important.  Today, rise above those who choose to ghost you.  Do not try to figure out why or fix what’s happening.  Today, remember that no response is a response, and decide to love yourself enough to walk away and move on.  Shower yourself with compassion, be your own best friend, allow yourself to grieve, and then decide to let go and allow new people to enter your life.

Just for today, I am my own best friend. Other friends may come and go but I am always here with me and for me.  I support myself in feeling good. I am willing to change and everything is working out for my highest good. And so it is.