
It's been almost six weeks since I launched Your Product Hub and today I am filled with gratitude for the outpouring of support, interest and encouragement that I've received from so many people!  Although I am grateful every day, today I thought that I'd write about it and share the love with all!

Last night, I had the privilege of attending the family and friends soft opening of Café Gratitude.  Café Gratitude is a collection of 100% organic plant-based restaurants specializing in gourmet cuisines. We strive to create a menu and environment that supports health and sustainability for both our community and the planet. They practice business through a term they call “Sacred Commerce”, where they provide inspired service, honest and transparent communication, and express gratitude for the richness of our lives. And they lived up to their mission last night!

Admittedly,  I am a meat eater and have had limited exposure to fine vegan dining.  That being said, the food that I ate last night was just damn delicious!  It was as satisfying, filling and grounding, as my usual carnivore cuisine!  Perhaps, what made it even more tasty was the environment of positivity in which it was being served and consumed.  All, who enter Cafe Gratitude, are challenged to focus on what they are grateful for at that moment.  Try it yourself and you'll find out everyone, at every moment, has a reason (probably more than one reason) to be grateful!! 

After we were seated and greeted by co-owner Ryland Engelhart, who beams light and love, we proceeded to eat our way through the menu, which includes dishes,  named after virtues.   We were challenged by our high energy server to choose which virtue we held  most dear to ourselves/what we value most in another person or ourselves.   No big surprise that I chose compassion, compassion for self and all others! 

With our body and souls satiated, an informal gratitude session was held by the co-owners of Café Gratitiude,  during which they thanked their staff, their families, their friends and the universe for the opportunity to open a new restaurant and another chance to raise the frequency of the neighborhood and the world.  Then, we were all blessed to an impromptu concert by Jason Mraz, an environmental steward and one of my newest heroes!  His music lifted the energies in the restaurant even higher! 

The rest of the evening was spent chatting with the restaurant's Executive Chef Dreux Ellis, who sources local and organic ingredients,  supports the sustainable food systems and uses that wealth to create a plant-based cuisine that's both rich in flavor and nutrient dense.".  I am so looking forward to hooking him up with my farmer and rancher friends!

Last night, I was blessed to be among a group of successful people whose sole mission was to make this planet, this world, a better place!  For the past six weeks, I have received unimaginable blessings from my friend,  my community and the universe.   Thank you to all who helped me transform my leap of faith into a dream come true!  I am Grateful!!