Living in Illusion
It's a new moon; it's Monday and five planets are in retrograde. All good reasons to slow down, review where I'm going, redirect my course and set my intentions for a new moon cycle.
Last week, I was reminded that "reality is merely an illusion" (Albert Einstein). Most of what I thought and believed to be real was revealed to me to be illusion. Before my eyes, the path that I had envisioned for myself, disappeared. Clear, indisputable messages appeared to me all week long, leaving me reeling and wondering. It was if a veil was being lifted and the true nature about people, places and things were revealed to me. They were nothing like what I had expected or what I had envisioned them to be.
So, I begin this week armed with a new consciousness. I begin this week, knowing that most of what I see is not real! Most of what I see I cannot believe in because it was created by ego and fear. However, I do not begin this week blindly, I will choose to be guided by my "gut", intuitions and inner guidance. The inner guidance that comes from being quiet and honoring what I am then told to be true.
I also begin this week with a weird sense of calm that I will create more easily and experience life more fully because I am listening and letting go of the illusions. More simply put, by learning that I couldn't believe in anything I saw, my vision for my future and my purpose actually became clearer to me. How about making some quiet time for yourself to interview your heart and soul? I bet you'll get some clarity of vision too!