November 12th affirmation of the day
Heavy dependence upon anything outside yourself is an addiction. Just as you can be addicted to drugs and alcohol, to sex, food or tobacco; to work or play or people, so can you also become addicted to blaming people or judging people, to illness, to debt, to being a victim, to being rejected, to suffering. Although it seems illogical that you would choose to hold onto things and beliefs that are painful and negative, in truth those negative, destructive beliefs and actions actually become part of your identity. Your mind has incorporate all of those beliefs into who you “think” you are and then you’ve taken years to develop that limited being.
And, yet, you can move beyond those things. Being addicted is giving up your power to a substance, a habit, to a person, to the act of suffering or even illness. Today, become aware that you can always take your power back. Today, consciously choose to develop the positive habit of knowing that life is always here for you and that no person, place or thing can ever truly make you feel good or for that matter bad. No matter what your big brain tells you.
Today, be willing to forgive yourself , let go and move on. Forgive yourself and set yourself free. You and only you can bring peace and all that you seek into your life. Today, reclaim that power.
Just for today, I accept my power. I accept that I have the power to change my life. I reclaim my power and lovingly create my own reality. I forgive myself and set myself free. All is truly well in my world. And so it is