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"Change is one of our greatest teachers. It asks us every day to prove our commitment to ourselves. It leads us into dark places and allows us to fill them with light. It shows us things about ourselves that we never knew. And, before we know it, it shows us how powerful and strong we are."

This new year set your intentions to allow change to happen in your life. This change does not come from your head but rather from your heart. Step into this New Year with the intention of choosing happiness for yourself and for those around you. Happiness is truly an inside job and regardless of what's happening around you, your thoughts always create your reality. Today, allow yourself to flow with the energies of change and embrace this wondrous gift of life, along with its mystery and excitement, into the unknown-into a new year. Happy New Year! Happy New Life!

Just for today, I am willing to change. I recognize that in order to change my life on the outside, I must change inside first. The moment I am willing to change it is amazing how the Universe begins to help me. It brings me what I need. I now flow easily and effortlessly with new experiences, new challenges and new people who enter my life. I am safe. It is only change and all is truly well in my world. And so it is.