Happy New Year!

You can make your life anything you want it to be because you have freedom of choice. You can choose to stay stuck and bitter or you can choose to do yourself a favor by willingly forgiving what happened in the past and moving beyond it. So as you begin this new year, make a conscious decision to release yourself from the past and embrace your bright, blessed and promising future. Today, do not look back. You have unlimited possibilities, potential and opportunities that lie before you in this new year and in truth the only thing that limits you is YOU and your thoughts and fears. This New Year live consciously-know that life happens for you and all you need to do is to stop struggling, look and listen within and follow your heart not your big brain , which is stopping you from living your life to the fullest with it's expectations and "grand" plans. Today, let go and allow life to love you and most importantly love yourself no matter what.


Just for today, I release the past and bless this last year with love. I am grateful for all that I have experienced and learned. Today, begins a new adventure and I look forward to it eagerly. I am safe. I am loved and all is truly well in my world. Happy New Year!