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All that you seek..

“Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace.”

Humans are amazing creatures. We have so much potential to create, effect change, and love. And yet, that unharnessed creative potential within us also means that we have the capacity for destruction. We can start wars over words, or follow our monkey minds into a frenzy of worry and distraction. We can keep on telling ourselves that when that one thing we want so badly happens, then everything will be better. In fact, we are so creative that we believe our best lie to ourselves—that there is time available for us to waste on not finding inner peace-to continue to perpetuate our illusions of struggle, suffering and stress. We pin our happiness or inner peace on the next new job, the next new car or whatever you have given your power over to in order for you to be happy.

In truth, you know that if you got your perfect job, had your perfect relationship that you, as a human being, would find new things to pin your happiness on. Today, consciously stop looking for fixes outside yourself. Everything you want and need, you already have and you already are. You don’t need to project onto other things. Today accept that you are a being full of creative potential and in reality, you don’t need anything outside of yourself. You just need to tap into what’s already there. Today, make time to be still so you can hear the whispering of your inner teacher, who already knows the value of gratitude, joy, and the potential that you hold within. Stop putting off inner peace and begin to reap the bounty of this beautiful life.

Just for today, I recognize that I that I seek is already within me. I trust my intuition. I am willing to listen to the small voice within me and when I do I hear all the answers to all the questions I shall ever ask. My intuition and Life is always on my side. And so it is.