“Life is as simple or complicated as we make it.”
No one can avoid problems in this life. No sooner is one resolved, than another one presents itself. But the solution is never to be found in focusing on the problem! The solution comes from focusing on your the desired outcome. Focusing on illness will never create health. Focusing on unpaid bills or an overdrawn bank account will not create abundance. Focusing our attention on a problem will only serve to magnify it. Today, begin to recognize that what you focus on is what you will experience and in reality you will create/manifest more of. Today, focus and feel what your desired outcome would look like, feel like and then believe that your desired outcome will become your future-you have the power to create the life you desire through your intentional focus and thoughts. Today, focus, feel and flow.
Just for today, I recognize that if I focus on what I do not want, that is exactly what I will get more of. I consciously focus on being positive because the thoughts I think and words I speak create my experiences. I am centered and focused. I feel more secure each day. Everything in my life works now and forevermore. And so it is.